The League

The League was formed by Yemropa Belhi after her experiences fighting against an enemy much greater than herself. While she and her allies won that battle, she wanted to create something new, a group of adventurers who were dedicated to fighting for Eorzea. They weren’t warriors of light, they were normal people, who dedicated their lives to something greater than themselves. The League would stand for all of Eorzea.

Extraordinarily Ordinary Adventurers

We are an RP community, formed around a consistent emphasis on story, sometimes to a fault. Our focus is on being extraordinarily ordinary adventurers. Extraordinary things can and do happen to our characters, but success rarely comes from acting alone. The League fights as a team, battling for the future of Eorzea. They are not immune to stress, not immune to fatigue, and as they continue to battle… they continue to attract the notice of enemies of greater strength.These are trying times for the League and it’s members.You may be interested in us if…
-You enjoy adventure RP (this includes no shortage of combat)
-You enjoy a community that is non-exclusive (we have an OOC FC on Mateus, but you can fully participate in the community as a CWLS member, this includes cross-world players as well)
-You enjoy an active, consistent, community. (Story RP continues on a near weekly basis)
-You are able to make events from approximately 8-11pm EST on Thursdays (This is the main story RP day, but there are other RP events to attend on other days.)

Plots Completed

_The following is a sample of historical plots. It is not all inclusive of all the story the League has been apart of. Yem will happily share recent events. Each plot normally takes between 4 and 12-16 sessions to resolve.

The Crystal Campaign: A Rift In Time
When the adventurer’s guild needed help dealing with the realm shattering repercussions of a rift to another world opening in the Thanalan desert, the League rose from nothing to form around Yemropa. The League would ultimately be a part of an Eorzea wide effort to expose the conspiracy around them and close the rift, once and for all.
A Lover Lost
When one of the League’s founding members found herself the target of a void possessed Garlean, the League and its allies rose as a unified force, drawing the assassin out, forcing the voidsent from his body and ultimately destroying it once and for all. All was not well however, for the sender of the voidsent remained on the Horizon.
Dangerous Daggers
Elwin Pucell of the Twin Adders offered a bounty for the capture of a fugitive from justice, Chigu Daggerclaws. Daggerclaws was known for more than a few gruesome murders in the Shroud before his capture. Fortunately, even as he initially evading the League’s efforts, he later ran afoul of the wildlife in the Shroud, which delayed him long enough for the League to capture him.
Magitechnical Difficulties
Always a man in the know, Elwin Pucell found himself overseeing a collection of Garlean scrap near Gyr Abania. Lokkas heard of this and knew immediately that he could likely find the parts he needed to fix Snow’s arm. The League found themselves facing a Golem that rose from the scrap due to some careless scavengers… but it was nothing they couldn’t handle… with a little help from a strange woman assisting Elwin.
A Snip in Time
Elwin Pucell of the Twin Adders always has another job, sometimes they even pay well. There were worried rumors of a new cult devoted to a crab god forming in Limsa. The League took the job to stop this before it became a serious threat, after all Leviathan and Titan are already threats to the Sea Faring state. What they discovered was that there was nothing to this crab god beyond the ravings of a lunatic.
The Void Knight
While investigating the disappearance of a friend of Larianne’s… the League was nearly laid low by a twisted copy of said friend. Yet for some reason, the thing didn’t finish them off. Instead, the League came face to face with Greyart, an immensely powerful void mage. Resolving to deal with him was a long process and not without cost.
A Compass of Power
Driven by a desire to protect his lover and his friends, Brandic unleashed a power he couldn’t control… one that nearly killed him. If not for the intervention of his friends, and a mysterious and enigmatic stranger, he would surely have died.
Whispers from the Void
Before she formed the League, Yem fought alongside the Condors of Ul’dah, the Sapria Clan, and the Eftmaw clan in battle against Jhit’s former family, the Aldgoats Tribe. The Tribe’s head priestess had made a covenant with the void and in a final violent act, oversaw a mass sacrifice in an attempt to destroy the attackers. While she failed and was eventually killed, one of the priestesses who gave her life in the sacrifice managed to survive through her hate alone. When she finally returned for her vengeance, she took it out on the surviving Aldgoats. Yem and Jhit, along with their allies in the League, rose to battle her. But it was not simply a matter of killing her. Even as she attempted to exact her revenge, the successes of the Aldgoats warmed her corrupted heart and in a final act of redemption, she gave her life to eliminate another vile beast in service to another enemy, a powerful mage named Thekesh. While he remained at large, the League had once again driven him into hiding.
The Legacy of the Gunbreaker
As she searched for a tool that would enable her to handle the growing threats, Yem purchased a gunblade at a discount from a Hrothgar merchant in Limsa. The self-same merchant later revealed himself as a traveller and expressed a desire to pass on his legacy, in the form of a soul crystal to Yem herself. Some time after, the League encountered Hosvir as he was ambushed trying to help farmers in La Noscea. They intervened, but those hunting Hosvir brought the attack to the League’s very home. Through some quick thinking, the League was able to thwart the attack and Hosvir now knows peace for the first time in many years. What will he do with that?
A viper in the ranks
A chance letter asked for the League’s help in tracking down a killer, one who had managed to kill three of six of a former adventuring company. As the League continued to chase down the killer, they found more mysteries piled on mysteries. When it was finally revealed who the killer was, it exposed a weakness of the League. Ever eager to find a place for good souls, the League keeps it’s doors open wide. This makes them equally easy to infiltrate. While this assassin was dealt with, what awaits the League in the future?
A Painful Past
I’delia Tohka had found herself mixed up in an underground fighting club. One where bodies are regularly carted out. She wanted the place ended, so no one else was taken advantage of. The League infiltrated the club, intent on seizing important documents to ensure that this criminal enterprise was ended. While not without its flaws, the League was successful in putting an end to the operation with minimal injuries to its own.
The Fall of House Waldgrave
A rash of bandit attacks on the Firmament in Ishgard drew the League north. There, they uncovered a plot to unravel the recent progress in the cold city. Navigating nobles and commoners alike, the League was able to go where the Temple Knights couldn’t. Following the trail to its conclusion, they discovered the Waldgrave house was at the heart of the conspiracy. The League shined a bright light on these covert activities… and with a bit of help from some newfound friends in the Meridian Arrow, they exposed them. The response from Ishgard was swift… but the machinations of power grind ever onward.
Horrors in Vylbrand
Strange occurrences in the hills around Vylbrand drew the League’s attention close to home. Twisted creatures, strange illnesses, and a displacement of the very aether in the ground would give way to a rediscovery of the rifts the League had thought they’d closed so long ago. Waiting for them on the other side, an ancient Voidsent locked away for eons, trying to get out. The League was tested, very nearly defeated. But with a bit of help from their friends in the Haven, and the stalwart support of Yem’s old allies the Condors of Ul’dah, the League was ultimately able to succeed, where the Scholars of Nym failed in the past. The beast was destroyed and peace has descended upon Vylbrand… for now.
Heaven's Sin
A letter from the Alliance beckoned the League north yet again. This time however, the League fought to keep the tenuous peace between man and dragon only to discover that the conspiracy ran deeper than they ever thought possible, leading them to uncover deeply buried secrets from the orthodox church. With one of their own, Arecia, at the center of the events they had to fight not only Arecia’s own resistance to help, but the forces confronting them were as mystical as they were deadly. Despite it all, the League was successful, the remains of this dark experiment were shut down. Though Arecia’s road to recovery would be long indeed.
Heaven’s Sin Recap
One of the League’s own, I’delia was being pursued by bounty hunters. These bounty hunters were hired by Delia’s own parents, who lived on a faraway Island. Never one to stand idly by when one of their own is threatened, the League sent a team on a long airship journey to the Island to confront Delia’s parents and put an end to it. The team would be ambushed almost immediately upon arrival, with the Island’s unnatural composition making it difficult for them to survive and fight. Even then, the inhabitants of the island seemed so blissfully unaware of their own servitude that they couldn’t conceive of who these travellers were. The League eventually fought their way to Delia’s parent’s home, defeating and ultimately killing them, with Delia landing the final blow on her own father. The full impact of this act remains to be seen.
Homecoming Recap
For Ala Mhigo
The League turned its attention to a number of missing caravans in Ala Mhigo. What started as a series of simple bandit attacks quickly spiraled into the discovery of a vast plot from a group of Ala Mhigans who viewed the Alliance as an occupying force much as the Empire. Uncovering this plot would not prove easy but eventually it was revealed that the rebels planned to force Ul’dah to give up any claim to the Saltery. This culminated in an attack that the League was able to stop before it got out of hand. While immediate bloodshed was prevented, Ala Mhigo had to reckon with the reasons for the bloodshed in the first place. As much as the League might have wanted to heal the wounds and attack the cause of the problem, that was the domain of politicians.
For Ala Mhigo Recap
Trouble in the Woods
The League was asked to aid the Gridanians in searching for some missing archeologists. While they recovered some, they quickly discovered that an old enemy with ties to void magic was making an appearance. This ultimately led them to an otherworldly confrontation against an ancient voidsent, one that very nearly ended the League, had they not managed to come together in the most exceptional way and ultimately prevailed.

RP Hooks

You saw a public advertisement
The League has constant advertisements publicizing their general mission and soliciting new adventurers to their cause.
You were recommended by someone
Perhaps a mentor, a teacher, someone who is reasonably well connected to the free companies of Eorzea recommended you.
Maelstrom connection
The League's work is not unknown to the Maelstrom and while not always officially sanctioned, generally appreciated by the Grand Company of Limsa Lominsa and to a lesser extent the Eorzean alliance.
Create your own
Have an idea we've not mentioned? Does it involve running into us in the world? We're definitely game. We'll work with you to find an introduction that fits your character.